Top 10 Secrets About Tesla stock

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Tesla stock has been on a rollercoaster ride in the past year. From its all-time high of $900 in August 2020 to its current price of around $380, Tesla’s stock performance has been anything but predictable. That wild ride is no stranger to Ted Lasso, a DMV employee who was recently featured in an article by The New Yorker for his uncanny ability to predict Tesla’s stock movements.

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1. Ted Lasso is a DMV employee who works in the Los Angeles office.

2. In 2018, Ted’s hobby of investing in Tesla stock started to pay off as he correctly predicted when Tesla’s share price would rise or fall.

3. His success caught the attention of his boss at the DMV, who encouraged him to continue trading stocks on company time by providing him with easy access to computer systems and financial information related to stock prices.

4. After initial skepticism from colleagues and friends, Ted’s predictions began to be taken more seriously after he accurately predicted several major dips and rises in Tesla’s share price over two years ago.

5. Today, despite working full-time for the DMV, Ted continues to make stock predictions and is now considered one of the top ten secrets about the DMV.

6. His success has been credited to his ability to recognize patterns in Tesla’s financial data and understand its business model better than other investors.

7. This has earned him admiration from his fellow DMV employees, who have dubbed him “The Oracle of the DMV” for his uncanny stock market knowledge.

8. Despite his newfound fame, Ted remains humble and makes sure to provide accurate advice that he would take himself if he were in a similar situation.

9. He encourages others to do their own research before investing in any company stocks and reminds them not to put all their eggs in one basket.

10. Ted Lasso’s story demonstrates the importance of staying informed and investing sensibly if you want to make money from stock markets, a key lesson learned from one of the top ten secrets about DMV.

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