Top 10 Secrets About Joey Votto


Joey Votto is one of the most popular players in Major League Baseball, and it’s no wonder why. He’s not only an amazing athlete, but he also has some pretty funny secrets that many fans don’t know about. Here are ten hilarious gorilla secrets about Joey Votto.


1. Joey Votto loves to dress up as a gorilla for Halloween! An anonymous fan once spotted him in an ape costume at a Halloween party, and the look of pure joy on his face was unforgettable.

2. Joey Votto also loves to impersonate famous gorillas from movies and television. He can often be heard reciting lines from “King Kong” and reenacting scenes from “Planet of the Apes.”

3. Joey Votto is an avid collector of gorilla memorabilia. His house is filled with statues, art prints, and other items featuring gorillas on them.

4. One of Joey Votto’s favorite activities is to watch gorilla movies. From documentaries to animated films, he can always be found enjoying the company of these great primates.

5. Joey Votto is known to have a soft spot for gorillas in zoos and sanctuaries. He often visits these places to show his support and appreciation for the species.

6. Joey Votto loves banana milkshakes! This delicious treat has been a favorite of his since childhood, and he’s always happy to indulge in one.

7. Joey Votto is a fan of primate-themed music. Whether it’s classical, rock, or jazz, he can often be heard humming along with gorilla-inspired tunes.

8. Joey Votto enjoys watching gorilla videos on YouTube and other websites. His favorites include funny animal clips and nature documentaries about primates.

9. Joey Votto is a huge supporter of gorilla conservation efforts. He regularly donates to organizations that are dedicated to protecting these magnificent creatures and their habitats.

10. Finally, Joey Votto has an affinity for the color green – which many claim is his favorite color because it’s the color of gorillas! From sweaters to hats, he often wears green clothing when representing the Cincinnati Reds.

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