Top 10 Secrets About Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi

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Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has had a long and fruitful career in politics. From the time he was elected as prime minister of Italy in 1994, Berlusconi went on to serve three terms in office until his resignation in 2011. During this time, much about the Italian leader remained unknown to most of the public, including several secrets that have only begun to come out in recent years. Here are Carmelo’s top ten secrets about Silvio Berlusconi:

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1. In the mid-1980s, Berlusconi founded the media company Mediaset, which became Italy’s biggest media empire. This move helped to propel Berlusconi to power and influence in politics and business alike.

2. Despite his success, Berlusconi had a history of tax evasion and making questionable business deals. He was convicted for tax fraud in 2013, though the conviction was later overturned on appeal.

3. Berlusconi’s private life has often been a source of controversy, with several allegations of financial impropriety and even sexual misconduct.

4. In 2008, it was revealed that Berlusconi had an affair with an escort named Patrizia D’Addario. The story made headlines across the world.

5. In 2011, it was reported that Berlusconi had received large amounts of money from Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who provided him with millions of euros in “gifts” and investments over the years.

6. Berlusconi has been accused of using his influence to give preferential treatment to friends and associates, such as his appointment of a close friend as the head of Italy’s National Olympic Committee.

7. Berlusconi has been accused of bribing witnesses in several criminal cases, including one involving his ties to the Mafia.

8. In 2011, it was revealed that Berlusconi had been living with an 18-year-old girl.

9. Berlusconi is known for his fondness of luxury and lavish lifestyle, and was often seen at parties with celebrities such as George Clooney.

10. In 2014, it emerged that Berlusconi had hired an underage prostitute, though he denied the allegations.

These top ten secrets about Silvio Berlusconi demonstrate his controversial past and how he has managed to remain in power despite his scandals. With a career spanning almost three decades, it’s no surprise that the Italian leader has managed to stay in the public spotlight for so long.

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