Top 10 Secrets About Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnancy

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Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnancy? That’s the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind. Not even her closest friends know what the answer is. But here are 10 funny gorilla secrets about Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnancy that might surprise you:

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1. most people don’t know, but Kourtney has a special way of announcing her pregnancies – she posts an instagram photo of a baby gorilla!

2. Kourtney and sister Kim have had their fair share of pregnancy cravings, with Kourtney opting for Taco Bell and Kim choosing ice cream sandwiches as her favorite treat when pregnant.

3. Kourtney has been spotted wearing an avocado necklace to symbolize health and fertility during both of her pregnancies – the same one, in fact!

4. Kourtney Kardashian has a very specific pregnancy routine – she drinks special teas, eats organic foods and sticks to certain exercises throughout her pregnancies.

5. Kourtney is known for being extremely health conscious when it comes to eating during her pregnancies – she even avoids fast food places like McDonalds!

6. Kourtney Kardashian is a big fan of yoga and meditation during her pregnancies – she has said it helps to relax her mind and body while pregnant.

7. During both of her pregnancies, Kourtney enjoyed listening to calming music to keep her baby bump relaxed. She also likes to listen to funny podcasts and watch comedy shows to stay in good spirits.

8. Kourtney and her family enjoy celebrating each pregnancy with a special baby shower – they love making the occasion extra unique!

9. Kourtney Kardashian loves receiving baby gifts during her pregnancies – she especially enjoys ones that are homemade or meaningful in some way.

10. Despite being very health conscious, Kourtney Kardashian still enjoys indulging in her favorite sweet treats during her pregnancies – something she likes to treat herself with every once in a while!

So, there you have it – the top 10 funny gorilla secrets about Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnancy. It’s clear that she takes her pregnancies seriously and loves to make them extra special!

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